Zilenzio Optima Table Screen

Zilenzio Optima Table Screen
Optima is environmentally friendly in many ways. It is made of class A recycled PET plastic and has an interchangeable outer textile cover. The cover is easily be fitted on the screen and can be changed to another colour or pattern.
The screen is lightweight and therefore ergonomic to install and move around.
Meets all the standards and requirements of Möbelfakta’s certifications for sustainability, quality and social responsibility.
Widths side screen: 630/830/930/ 640/840/940
Widths front screen: 1200/1400/1600/1800/2000 mm
Height: 640 mm
Height above tabletop: 525 mm
Thickness: 30, 40 mm
– Removable fabric
– Rounded corners
– Hidden magnetic connection
– Function list surface-mounted
Möbelfakta certified
FCS certified wood
Frame construction of solid wood. Filling consisting of A-rated recycled
PET fiber, with good sound-absorbing properties.
Attached to table with 2 table fittings.
SS-EN ISO 354:2003 evaluated SS 25269
SS-EN ISO 354, ISO 11654:1997 Material Class-A
1600x640x30 = 10
Sawana from Davis Fabrics, price class 1
Cara, Carlow from Camira Fabrics, price class 1
Event Screen from Gabriel, price class 1
Blazer Lite from Camira Fabrics, price class 2
Twist from Gabriel, price class 2
Floyd Screen from Kvadrat, price class 2
Remix from Kvadrat, price class 3
Blazer, Synergy from Camira, price class 3
Melange Nap, Fiord from Kvadrat, price class 4
For other fabrics, request a quotation.
This product is a part of the Studio family.
Zilenzio Studio has been developed to suit projects where the requirements for sound absorption are slightly lower. The screen is available with removable fabric, with several different options for feet and fittings. Zilenzio Studio meets the market requirements with a complete and updated reference and labeling system. The system is based on three requirement areas. Quality (technical requirements), environment and responsible supply chains regarding socially, environmentally, and ethical responsibility.
About Zilenzio
Zilenzio is a Swedish company based in the city of Örebro, where we work to create better sound environments for our clients around the world. By using natural materials like mineral wool, wood from the forests of Sweden and collaborating with a selection of well know Scandinavian designers and international fabric weavers we produce some of the highest performing and aesthetic sound absorbing products available in the market.